Thank You

I can’t admit to a silver lining because there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to reverse the sudden loss of our beloved pet. 

But surely, I can recognize that in this time of deep grief and loss, our friends and family have surprised and overwhelmed us with great love. 

Oreo passed away the first night we were out of town. The news shook us and so did the minute we returned to an empty home ten days later. 

Grief consumed us the second we walked in-he wasn’t where we expected him to be. 

Instead, flowers were. 

Multiple bouquets of flowers, homemade cards and gifts greeted us, softening the deafening blow of his absence. 

In the weeks that followed, gifts continued to arrive- garden statues, grave markers, sun-catchers and a light memorial that we look at every. single. day. 

It’s no silver-lining. I wouldn’t trade this support for the life of our rabbit. 

But it sure is nice to know we aren’t alone in our grief; 

That our friends truly understand the depth of our loss and are brave-enough to acknowledge it. 

To ask us how we are doing, a month later. 

To hug us. 

To allow us to continue to cry. 

Thank you. 

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